lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2020

Sobre la teoría cinéticomolecular y el calorcito

Ayer se me ocurrió que cuando dejas la cama y tu cuerpo la ha calentado levemente, y vuelves y sigue calentito, es porque las moléculas habían empezado a vibrar (asumiendo que sea un sólido) y aún no se había descargado toda la energía cinética que tenían, y con lo cual cuando llegas siguen vibrando pero un poco menos. Es por eso que se ha "perdido algo del calor que tú habías dejado" pero tampoco está fría.

En resumen, que "el calorcito" en realidad son las moléculas de la mantita vibrando.

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2020

A path of light, a path of darkness

It is the path of the few.

You cannot find it, it is only it who finds you, whether you like it or not; and when you find it, it is your duty to follow it, for so few are chosen that those who are must do it; and when you decide to follow it, you must listen very carefully, because the signs, which have always been there, are nearly invisible to the human consciousness: you will have to reject yourself, reject some of the things you believe in so firmly, you may even have to reject the path itself, in order to find the signs which will guide you through it.

There's no telling what's at the end, only that one woman every three generations is allowed to come back for a handful of days, though she cannot speak, nor draw, nor write; but her eyes, her eyes are said to hold all the truths of humanity and beyond.

It is said that the eyes of some returned have driven thousands into a hopeless search for enlightenment. The bodies of those who tried to follow them into the abyss were found in circles, with one flower in each hand and another one on the forehead.

So if the path of light, the path of darkness, the path of the few, is ever presented to you, follow it and you will know what to do, for you will have been chosen.

viernes, 31 de julio de 2020

About the places that are memories

You are afraid to go there, that's the truth.
It is not that you are more comfortable here, or that it would take some effort to pack your things and get there, it is not even because you hace no friends there nowadays. It's because you are scared.

It is a place in your mind, where so many beautiful things happened, where you built so many lasting things, things that, even now, are present within you. But it is also a place only of memories, a place of the past, a place that holds all the good memories of the life of a person that you isn't you anymore. It is not a place where you can be in the present, for the you that fits there doesn't exist anymore. Furthermore, the person you used to be is still there, and you fear that if you go you might be absorbed, that you might disappear under the shadow of your past.

What can you find there, but something you rejected? What can you do there, if you did everything already? How can you even sleep there, when your mind will be filled with all the smells and the sights and the feelings that you swore to never let in again?

martes, 30 de junio de 2020

On the expectations of the being

I think what bothers me about them is probably the fact that they fit very smoothly into the different persons who I want to be, each one a different goal, with a different set of skills, with a different way to approach every aspect of life. Each one someone that I now know I will never be.

But I don't think that is going to be a problem. I think that maybe I cannot be any of the persons they are because I already am a someone, I already am myself, and being myself isn't necessarily bad. I'll have things to improve, for sure, but this way, I get to choose which traits to pick, which ones to discard, which one I am more comfortable with, which ones I feel there is something very wrong with.